

The following represents a partial list of the current searches being conducted by Target Pros...

Position Location Job Code
Account Executive Recruiters West Orange, NJ 4871027
Account Executives NYC/Boroughs 84210327
Account Executives Rockland County 74210327
Account Executives Northern NJ 74210327
Account Manager Harrisburg, PA 60211007
Account Manager York, PA 60211107
Account Manager Williamsport, PA 60211007
Account Representative Morris County 91110609
Account Representative Bergen County 73110827
Account Representative Essex County 83110927
Account Representatives Northern NJ 90010730
Administrative Researcher West Orange, NJ 3140412
Associate Director, Market Research New Jersey 65210426
Biotech Sales Representative Southern NJ 97010209
Biotech Sales Representative Youngstown, PA 02211115
Biotech Sales Representative Northern NJ 02211115
Biotech Sales Representative Poughkeepsie, NY 19010308
Biotech Sales Representative Lexington, KY 67010126
Biotech Sales Representative Boston North 02211115
Biotech Sales Representative Cape Cod, MA 49010312
Biotech Sales Representatives Manhattan (2) 31211026
Biotech Sales Specialist Louisville, KY 22211201
Biotech Sales Specialist Bronx, NY 08210710
Brand Managers New Jersey 99110912
Business Manager New Jersey 00110331
Consulting Vetinarian Northern California 05062005
Consulting Vetinarian Orlando/Tampa 01122006
Consulting Vetinarian Seattle, WA 07082006
Corporate Sales Trainer New York 92210104
Corporate Sales Trainer New Jersey 83110915
District Manager Baltimore, MD 45210329
District Manager Detroit, MI 45210329
District Manager Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont 00210913
District Manager Phoenix, AR 45210329
District Manager Little Rock, Arkansas 41211028
District Sales Manager Dallas, TX 52110804
District Sales Manager Buffalo, NY 17010115
District Sales Manager Boston, MA 52110804
District Sales Manager Los Angeles, CA 14110929
District Sales Manager NY/Boroughs 52110804
District Sales Manager Cincinnati, OH 86011202
District Sales Manager Des Moines, Iowa 60110406
District Sales Manager Hartford, CT 21110426
District Sales Manager New Orleans, LA 52110804
District Sales Manager Stamford, CT 28010301
District Sales Manager South Florida 50110408
District Sales Manager Buffalo, NY 17010115
Divisional Sales Manager New Jersey 92110805
Divisional Sales Manager West Virginia 04110929
Hospital Sales Representative Baltimore, MD 29010311
Hospital Sales Representative Dallas, TX 04310218
Hospital Sales Representative Atlanta South 14310218
Hospital Sales Representative Brooklyn, NY 39010311
Hospital Sales Representative Phoenix, AZ 17210616
Institutional Sales Specialist Westchester/Bronx 50210929
Manager, Sales Training Northeast Region 03210104
Medical Sales Representatives Los Angeles, CA 58010301
Pharm Sales Representative Maryland 36210602
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Hollywood, FL 93310218
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Portland, ME 87210629
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Bangor, ME 63110826
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Queens, NY 68010804
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Bronx, NY 68010804
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Andover, MA 53110826
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Southern Vermont 53110826
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Northern NJ 13110827
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Fairfield County 85210426
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Flemington, NJ 82110715
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Westchester County 13110811
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Rockland County 13110811
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Reading, PA 23110811
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Hershey, PA 23110811
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Brooklyn, NY 68010804
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Springfield, MA 48010301
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Jersey City, NJ 28010301
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Westchester County 08010301
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Manhattan North 68010304
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Suffolk County 78010304
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Springfield, MA 98010305
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Norwich, CT 98010305
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Hartford, CT 98010305
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Kearney, NE 77010203
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative White Plains, NY 07010108
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Buffalo, NY 82110715
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Newark, NJ 85011112
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Newark, NJ 82110715
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Pittsburgh, PA 11010331
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Butler, PA 11010331
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Decatur, IL 41110503
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Casper, WY 41110503
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative New Haven, CT 62110714
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative East Brunswick, NJ 82110715
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Erie, PA 82110715
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative State College, PA 82110715
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Wayne, NJ 82110715
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Newark, NJ 82110715
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Worcester, MA 64011121
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Jamaica/Elmhurst 16210523
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Rockford, IL 06210515
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Davenport, IA 06210515
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Greenbelt, MD 46210602
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Fayetteville, NC 76210606
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Dover, DE 97210629
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Jamaica, NY 67210626
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative West Orange, NJ 64210327
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Kingston/Poughkeepsie 66210605
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Summit, NJ 64210327
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Smithtown, NY 07210614
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Waukeegan, IL 06210515
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Patchogue, Long Island 16210523
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Rockville Center 16210523
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Midtown Manhattan 16210523
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Upper West Side 16210523
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Bergen County (2) 95210515
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Manhattan North 16210523
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Lowell/Andover, Massachusetts 83210215
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Portland, Maine 83210215
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Newark, NJ 27120620
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Bronx, NY 06661206
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Poughkeepsie,NY 83110921
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Mt. Kisco, NY 83110921
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Newburgh, NY 83110921
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Concord, NH 84111102
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Manchester, NH 84111102
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Portsmouth, NH 84111102
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Boston North Shore 94110111
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Orchard Park, NY 64110110
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Jersey City, NJ 56210602
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Brooklyn, NY 06661206
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Staten Island 93210324
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Freehold, NJ 54210308
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Morristown, NJ 54210308
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Lower Manhattan 06661206
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Chicago South 06210515
Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Visalia, CA, Madera, CA, Fresno, CA 61211030
Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Middletown, NY (2) 96210609
Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Framingham, MA/Fall River, MA 01211017
Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Binghamton, NY/Rochester, NY 11211024
Pharmaceutical Specialty Sales Representative Bronx, NY 37210622
Pharmaceutical Specialty Sales Representative Brooklyn, NY (2) 55210405
Pharmaceutical Specialty Sales Representative Staten Island 55210405
Pharmaceutical Specialty Sales Representative Cape Cod, MA 20110401
Regional Marketing Manager New York Tri- State 86210609
Specialty Sales Representative Newport News, VA 90110503
Specialty Sales Representative State College, PA 57210623
Specialty Sales Representative Northern NJ 70110317
Specialty Sales Representative Beverly, MA 90110503
Specialty Sales Representative Poolesville, MD 81110603
Specialty Sales Representative Indianapolis, IN 45210704
Specialty Sales Representative Rochester, MN 90110426
Specialty Sales Representative Owensboro, KY 81110603
Specialty Sales Representative Brklyn/Staten Island (2) 26210531
Specialty Sales Representative Charlotte, NC 45210704
Specialty Sales Representative Cincinnati, OH 90110503
Specialty Sales Representative Keane, NH 90110503
Specialty Sales Representative Woodhaven, NY 81110805
Specialty Sales Representative Paramus, NJ 81110805
Specialty Sales Representative San Francisco, CA 56010106
Specialty Sales Representative Chevy Chase, MD 81110603
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Rochester, MN 42110803
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative New York, NY 03110804
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Columbia, SC 27110714
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Portland, OR 93110929
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Jersey City, NJ 71110602
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Boston, MA 51110503
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Suffolk County 88010305
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Brooklyn, NY 34111013
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative New York, NY 34111013
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Springfield, MA 51110503
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Westchester County 80110402
Sr. Specialty Sales Representative Indianapolis, IN 01110426
Territory Manager Knoxville, TN 05122006
Territory Manager Sacramento East 03292006
Territory Manager Baton Rouge, LA 02222006
Territory Manager San Diego/Los Angeles 03102006
Territory Manager Jackson, MS 45210329
Territory Manager Omaha, NE 45210329
Territory Manager Atlanta, GA 06012006
Territory Manager Nashville, TN 04032006
Territory Manager Minnesota North 45210329
Territory Manager Peoria, IL 07032006
Territory Manager Syracuse, NY 04142006
Territory Manager Spokane, WA 06012006
Territory Manager Springfield, IL 03102006
Territory Manager St. Paul, MN 05032006
Territory Manager Columbia, MO 45210329
Territory Manager Cincinnati 45210329
Territory Manager Birmingham, AL 45210329
Territory Sales Representative Youngstown, OH 79010317
Territory Sales Representative Alexandria, VA 27010126
Territory Sales Representative Washington, DC 27010126
Territory Sales Representative Fairfax, VA 69010316
Territory Sales Representative New City, NY 18010301
Territory Sales Representative Long Island 95011113
Territory Sales Representative Cleveland, OH 59010312
VP, Business Development-Pharmaceutical Markets Midwest (Indianapolis or Chicago ) 89110908
VP, Business Development-Pharmaceutical Markets West Coast 89110908
VP, Business Development-Pharmaceutical Markets Northeast Region 89110908



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